Thursday, December 17, 2009

If you re not sure wht t do nxt, jst do anything. You probably need t indulge in a lil trial and error before you get whre you re going.

maybe i shouldnt be so afraid all th time.
you lose to win.
we both need some time t figure jst wht we really want ;seek in each other.
few days, 1week, 2months??

within th circle, you & me.

Monday, December 14, 2009

humrrphh! im so pissed. ALL MY recent images are gone due t corrupted files. this lappy is being very naughty, been giving me so many problems. gotta go renovate th interior soon..

holiday starts from tmr..
but im at a lost, should i start working? or should i jst chillax?
hmm.. but im broke, poor and getting poorer.
wht even saddens me is "IM GETTING FATTER & FATTER"
poor+fat=ugly :((

mayb i shld start hibernating at work, doing workouts and start looking into my diet.
and sometimes having some M would be goood mmMm..

monday blues been cured by some good piccas.
i love my ibaby, iCare nd lastly iSleep.
will show you(s) photos of them in my nxt entry!

& i will soon dump my i-annoy...

Monday, December 7, 2009


Look whatt i've GOT! ((:
cheeeze! some fav supplements brought by surprise! hee

I really need em' badly. Been very much lack of sleep and happiness lately sooo, they are.. substitute of