Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So much, for this.

I hate seeing my dear friends being upset, brooding ovr the past & not living every moment.
But seems like im all the same kind.
"Birds of a feather really flock together"

Last night, someone told me something that have shaken my faith agn.
If this has been what you re thinking all these while, then why waste your time?
I've been obliging, and a good girl. Not perfect thou, cause everyone have flaws. But it seems to me you only want people t love and accept you for who you are, & you re not open up and accept the fact that people need you to accept them and love them for their flaws too. Its so UNFAIR..

Whenever i hit you with a problem, you feel dejected.
You think of giving up each time.
And by doing and saying things like these, they shaken my faith.

Then don't waste your time.

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