Sunday, October 7, 2007

hi everyone,

my days been so packed with schl.
bcuz i finally attended schl 3 consecutive days.
*3claps* hees!

met kenneth few more times this week compared to last few weeks =)
first was vivo with him on wed.
then thurs, he did smth so sweeet for me.
we had some arguement early in the afternoon, and he said smth tht got me really upset.
so bad, i didnt wanna ans him calls nor reply his msges. not until i get over it.
well, afterall we were okay. got back to normal, and i wasnt tht upset anymore.
and the sweeetest thing he done is to travel all the way from boonlay to my doorsteps with the bonus of a bouquet of roses.
imagine how surprised and happy i was =))))))
hahas! part of me felt bad thou, but he said " he wld rather be exhausted but happy, than energised but unhappy" and he dont want me to feel bad cause he wanna feel doing all this is worthwhile if im happy.
well, he's got it. got millions of my smiles =) LOL

this silly boy skipped dinner doing this, so the very nice me brought him dinner. afterwhich chatted at the playground for quite awhile and home sweeet home.
wht a sweeet thursday hurrr. hees!

met him on friday too, to do smth impt.
he came over to my place to give me the damn courage. how sweeet? boonlay to hougang to send some courage? hahahas. well, thts him. really nice and wht is impossible tht he cant do ? i wonder...
anyhows, spend half my friday with janeyyyyy! met up for shopping in town. woooo~ got nth but BRA-SSSS.
siannn. its always the case whre i have loads of money but no clothings to buy. then whn i have no money, i always have to fight with temptation to either get it or not. why siaaaa!!!!

kenneth brought me to the doctor on saturday night. very sweet of him to actually find out which clinic opens till mid-night and is cheap. so we headed to amk.
tell you the doctor thre damn noooooob please. kenneth went into the consultation room with me, and the way the doctor does his check-up was like ??? grrrrrrrr! and whn kenneth pop him qns, he cant even ans and in turn qns him back whts tht?
WHATS THIS MANNNN. ahhh, nvm. then kenneth suggested bringing me to the hospital but i felt it was unneccesary thou.
then we headed to cine for movie, residents's evil -extinction
4/5 for this show. minus tht 1point bcuz its storyline wasnt tht good. other than tht, all is good.
met up with my ferfer at ponggol nasi lemak aft tht. so happpy seeing her looking blessed =)
kenneth sent me home, then goooodnights.

anyway, im here with a bad news.
my dog is in hospital suffering now. doctors retained him for further observation and to keep his condition under control.
daddy jst called back to ask how is everything, and doctor gave the worse ans ever!
"if boyboy continues to have relapse 5days from now, we might have to suggest injection for him to pass out"
mommy cried like fcuk.
and soon, it will be my turn.
gon go visit him later.

all of a sudden i felt like i havent had a good look at him for a long time thou i sees him everyday.

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