anw i look very awful in all the photos, nd more.. but i did not upload here. hahaha!
i didnt put on any make up for tht 3days. should have sia, then photos will look btr! booo.
nd its so regretful we took so lil photos. sucha pity lar.
we had fun nd MORE FUN, nd forgot all about tking pictures alrdy.LOL
let th photos do my smile.
btw, i uploaded th photos in an opp way. th correct way is seeing pictures from th bottom till top okay. my first photo supposed to be th starting. but i only realised aft uploading most of th pics tht my first photo is at the bottom-.- so nvm. jst enjoy =)
bby! you very naughty huhhh?! took so many candid shots of me, nvm tht. somemore so ugly ones. hehs =x
bby didnt complain, he damn steady ah. later, who knows he... zzzz WHAHAHAH!
then ltr go pay, kana shock! somemore they gave us receipt, bby took 1duck egg which cost 3rm -.- hahaha. its a self-service thingy lar, thts how we got fool-ed. nd whts more, we were feeling very hungry aft one whole day.
alrights, thts all. lil pictures right? =((
nvm, those images are kept right in my heart :)
fcuk my period! making me feeling all so uncomfy!
bby so nice, wanna meet up with me earlier, so we can go makan makan nd walk walk before movie starts.
i know, we havent been spending quality time tog.
sorry fo being sucha pig, being so fast aslp th nights i stayed over. nd headed out early in da morning to work.
so my stay at bby's hse goes like this - at his place, bring mattress out. lie on it to watch tv, while bby mapling in th kitchen. sometimes he will come over to hugg me nd sometimes i go over to give him a kiss. afterwhich, i will continue lying on tht comfy mattress with slowly-sleepy eyes. nd DANG! ~ im gone, fast asleeep halfway thru my show.
whn darling goes to bed, he will let me know by shifting me nd asking for huggs nd kisses before he enters his lala land. aft few words of "iloveyou" im gone ever before baby finishes covering th blanket fo me. damn PIG i tell you.
NEXT morning comes, i ll wake up at 8 nd hurried to work. woke bby up to let him know im leaving fo work nd also not to send me to work before he starts waking up looking fo me like a silly again. HAHAH!
night comes, bby will send me back his place aft my work ends. back his place, i will go bathe, sayang him a lil.. AND bring my COMFY MATTRESS out to slack on with tv on again. hahaha! nd you all know.. wht happens NEXT.
thts all folks!
thankyou babe, you ve been really sweeeeet. like honey diamond-studded sticks!
darling, whtever it is, you have my heart :))
greatNIGHT all! huggs;
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