MONEY$$$ talks, i HATE totallyy.
its darn annoying whn you have to repeatedly remind someone to pay up. nd th most annoying part is whn you dont feel like doing so nd yet you have to bcuz you have nt enuff cash to help him yet. another thing tht annoys me is why isnt he even auto/considerate (for me) abit?
gggrrr, darn lame. its getting on my nerve aft tolerating this shit for quite awhile nd quite afew times.
thank god i ve super nice frens arnd, they did nt even ask from me for th cash i lost on soccer. all they do is, "nvm lar karen, other days also can no hurry" but too bad i ve my ego to look aft, i jst simply cant stand seeing myself not paying up my losses. but this time round its diff, i shared losses with my fren. nd he didnt had th time to drop by atm machines. nd this explains my entry here.
anyhows, its been sucha hectic weekend for me. had a trip down to mars, caught "vantage point" 2.5/5 i wld rate.
its not really interesting, in fact i find it alil lame.
nd lastly, mars felt goood afterall (:
oh yeaaa, jst yest i saw an incident tht happen minutes ago, its actually bike buang. okay, its scary.. 2bodies lying jst beside our transport. okay, nd im not gon talk abt it anymore. its freakyy!
afterwhich, went ovr to ponggol nasi lemak for supper. guess we didnt had much appetite aft wht we saw. goshhh.. {curiosity kills th cat}
had a duper long rest today. woke up late evening nd did nth much for th restless day.
hmm.. except tht i went to watch hockey match jst now, then head for supper nd finally home sweeet home (:
ohohoh btw i thot i shld say, me nd val were kinda lucky gamblers. we actually escaped th loss of money sadness. HAHAHAs! we were supposed to buy arsenal match last night. bcuz everyone says arsenal gon win tht match against chelsea. so being the noobers we are, we was abt to follow em' nd place bets for arsenal win. nd thank god we were 1min late aft they kick off nd soo, we didnt suffer any loss instead we won our total goals bet. woooo! i know gambling is bad for health. but anw, i dont do this often. jst fo fun, nd th amount is small ? (: thankyou nelson for ure advice, its pretty much useful, nd i had it drilled in.
he says,
nelsonn says:
nelsonn says:
so straining
nelsonn says:
when losing you stress where to find that money. then wanna double or nothing. then in the end double up your losses.
which i find it so true. nd in th 1st place, if you knw me. i discourage gambling right frm th start.
*someone knows this more than anyone else.
alrights, long nd super RANDOM entry. im considering if i shld head down to dblo tmr to support ac. for his pool competition. hmm..
goodnights love.
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