4days of IT SHOW is a chore. having to talk nd talk non stop. recommending th best of the bestest product is lame. sporeans are way too greedy sometimes. TOOO MUCH!
want things which are cheap and of best quality =.= sibei ngiao!
but anyway i ve the best time to slack for this show. i dont know why but i kept running arnd looking for frens, having many many smoke breaks in a day. and im jst not kept busy.
so my sales for the 1st two days was pretty lousy, or rather really really bad.
heard tht th in-charge wasnt really happy with my performance so i decided to chiong sales on the third day. nd yeaaa.. whn you want it, you ll make it.
nd so i did, i was top salesgirl among us on tht day. great! i only went for 1smoke break since 12-6pm. nd i practically non-stop looking for customers. phewww* hard work pays off ((:
in-charge was really pleased nd i see it frm his smile. hehs!
had two weeks of break from km8. first was bcuz of IT show, nd this weekend i jst wanna enjoy much (: take a break, away from work. feeels really good actually.
and my poor bestie gotta slog her life thre working full shift always evryday. wished i cld help but really restless nd i hope she understands(:
hopefully km8 hires another full time cashier fast. else km8 gon kill my best friend really sooon )): i misss you dearest. we gotta go hongkong sooon.
-and this really made my heart sink a bit.
Im a designer who is going to build a house at an area where a similiar house was onced struck down by earthquakes.
Despite the earthquakes and empty knowledge about building a house, i still took on the challenge.
So i started to design the building.
And yes.
The building was beautifully designed,
a good head start.
I was very happy and confident then.
But now when it comes to building it,
ive totally no experience at all.
So, i went around desperately looking for help.
Great helps,
but i know those helps will eventually go away after i used up my capital.
So i got to think of a plan B.
thought of one.
So i started working on it.
I decided to complete a room first,
at least there would be a place for me to live in even if the rest is still incomplete.
Used up all my money to build and beautify the room but i am happy because ive got a beautiful room.
However as time goes by,
earthquakes repeatedly happened out of the blue,
damages here and there.
And the room no longer holds the beauty it used to hold.
Everything in there seems to be "old" and "broken",
and somehow seems to be collapsing any moment should another earthquake comes.
And the only way is to move out.
But i really love this house alot,
its like a part of me already.
I really wanted to renovate it,
beautify it further.
But ive run out money and energy to do so.
I tried building stuffs that is within my capability now.
But i realised im always shortage of something to completion.
So it was never completed.
But still,
i chose to stay.
And so now,
all i can do is to pray for a miracle to happen and that the next earthquake will never come.
im prepared for the worst.
Nothing much about me,
im just a dreamer who loves that house of mine.
*Eventually the earthquake came and destroyed the house,
now im at loss.
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