cause i have met one, right in my class.
introduction: his name suresh .R
only 17 yet a very smart working brains.
always a buddy to me in schl =)
but silly enuff, he is a lil mad inside him after watching the movie, 'no. 23"
th story as to wht's happening to him is..... urggh, let th movie explains all luh.
for those hu did not manage to catch this retarded show, then LUCKY YOU.
waste money plus quality time. fo people who likes this show, TO HELL please. HAHA
SO ... th story is all abt the NUMBER 23, which kills. th main chac thinks abt 23 all th time nd relates evry no. people, places to figure 23 outta them, which is mathematically logical, jst playing with trial nd err in a smart way. i guess th author of this movie either loathe or love maths. hahas!
relating to this movie, my fren here went insanely crazy over this no. as well
he told me th girl he likes, name has 23 chars. nd th birthday x+/- whtever no. =23
OOHHH. HOW COINCIDENCE EH. its all abt damn maths silly!
nd well, fo th whole of th day, he did nth but scibblings on th whiteboard all th names, letters whtsoever tht successfully calculates th number 23. LAME -.-
I kinda entertained him a lil, till i somehow cant. i snatched his marker, calculator nd evrything he used away from him. HAHA, seriously he may not sound tht interesting as it is written here. but, IT IS VERY AMAZING HOW HE DID IT in class. funny/lame/LOL/everything luh.
th whole class was amused.
him; posing.
A=1B=2 nd so on...
alrighty, feels so longy.
anw, to update, i did not attend sch once again.
ppl must be tired of hearing this, but .... urgggh! i seriously am not bothered okay.
went to th salon, nd back home.
it feels like im th most tired human on earth, all daylong. CB
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